Interested in Implant Secured Dentures?
Find out more and discuss your options with our treatment care coordinator.
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Secure your dentures with strong and supportive dental implants
Are you fed up with wobbly, unstable, and uncomfortable dentures? Do you worry about eating or speaking in public for fear they will slip or move? We can help these issues be a thing of the past, with strong and innovative dental implants used to hold your dentures firmly in place. Boost your confidence and enjoy dentures that function much more like natural teeth once more.
What are the benefits of implant dentures?
- Improve strength and stability
- Enhance chewing, eating and speaking function
- Comfortable and easy to wear
- Boost your confidence in the look and feel of your dentures
- Preserve the bone in your jaw with carefully placed implants
- Support your facial structure and prevent sagging
How do implant secured dentures work?
If you are interested in securing your dentures with safe and strong dental implants, we invite you for a detailed consultation and assessment in our practice. We take a look at your dentures and check that you are suitable for the implant secured option by evaluating your jawbone and surrounding structures. We also give you the chance to ask any questions.
If you are happy to go ahead, we place the strong titanium implants into your jawbone. We carefully plan the optimum placement for your implants to give the best results. The implant exactly mimics a natural tooth root, providing a stable foundation for your aesthetic dentures. After placement, your implants need several months to heal and fuse with your jawbone, so we can fit temporary teeth to protect your gum and keep you smiling.
When your implants have healed, we fix abutments to ensure your dentures will attach successfully. Your custom-made and very natural-looking dentures are fitted on top to complete your smile. These can be permanently fixed in place or kept as removable, depending on your preference.
Frequently asked questions
How are implant secured dentures different from traditional dentures?
Also known as overdentures, implant secured dentures are a much stronger and more stable option. This restorative solution combines innovative dental implants with natural-looking dentures to provide exceptional aesthetics and functionality. Traditional dentures rest on your gums and have the potential to become loose or uncomfortable. Implants stimulate your jawbone to prevent it shrinking and causing further issues.
How do I look after implant secured dentures?
The best way to look after your implant secured dentures is to keep up with an excellent oral hygiene routine, making sure your gums and surrounding tissues remain healthy. Even if you have no natural teeth remaining, brushing and flossing is important to ensure the health of your mouth. You should also visit your dentist for regular check-up appointments, so we can keep an eye on your dentures and implants.
How many implants are needed to secure dentures?
The number of dental implants needed to secure your dentures in place depends on various factors, including your oral health, bone density, and the type of denture. Typically, 4-6 dental implants are used to secure a full denture, known as all on 4 implant dentures, but this may vary. We will discuss this with you in detail at your initial consultation.
Are implant secured dentures removable?
Implant secured dentures can be removable or fixed, depending on your needs and preferences. Removable dentures are secured with attachments on the dental implants, and can easily be taken out for cleaning.
Can I eat normally with implant secured dentures?
Yes, implant secured dentures give you the ability to eat and chew with confidence. As they are completely stable, they function like natural teeth, so you don’t have to worry they will slip or move when you eat. You can simply return to eating the foods you want to!
How much do implant dentures cost?
The cost of your implant dentures depends on your individual case and the number of dental implants we need to create the best stable foundation for your dentures. We will discuss the expected costs for your implant dentures with you at your initial consultation.